Dr. Ibrahim Rugova
Presidenti i Kosoves
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Rugova died a Christian?
Speculations continue that the Former President had converted to Catholicism prior to his death. Nothing official yet, but Don Gjergji is considered to be serious personality, so I am tempted to believe him. Here it is:
ALBANIAN Roman Catholic priest Don Lush Gjergji, in a statement for Italian media ( 3 days ago), said that the late Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova died a Christian but he could not publicize his conversion to Christianity due to political opportunism.
"Rugova was culturally and spiritually a Christian. His conscience and heart were deeply Christian; however, he could not publicize this because we must not forget that Kosovo is inhabited by Albanians, the great majority of whom declare themselves as Muslims," said Don Gjergji.
Rugova's personal confessor indirectly admitted that he gave confession to the converted former president of Kosovo prior to his death.
"Let us say he offered his suffering to God and Mother Teresa. In any case, he began his journey of return to his roots far earlier. Many Albanian intellectuals are discovering their Christian roots and saying, we are the descendants of Skenderbeg and Mother Teresa; if we negate them, we negate ourselves," said the Albanian Catholic priest.
" Rugova never wanted to define his position with respect to Islam, in either the positive or the negative sense."
Gjergji also told the story of Rugova's meeting last week with Cardinal Angelo Scola of
"The only person whom Rugova wished to receive in the end because of his weakness was Cardinal Scola. At one point Rugova tried to stand up and kneel before him but he did not succeed. Then he kissed his ring and said, I do this as a sign of devotion to Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI and the Kosovo bishop who died a few days ago. We were all touched by his statement," Don Gjergji said at the end of his eyewitness account.